Workflow Management in the Clinical Radiology

stable – fast – integrated

medavis RIS brings efficiency and profitability to the radiology and the treating departments of a clinic.

You want optimal workflows and long-term investments??

medavis has the solution!

Developed with Radiologists

The modular and scalable medavis solution are designed individually for the needs of users (radiologists, technicians, business managers) in a clinical radiology. No matter if it concerns RIS, the referrer portal or the cockpit4med: Thanks to well thought through functions, individual requests and modern technology, medavis accelerates patient care and ensures economic efficiency in your imaging center.

A Digital Workflow

After the examination while the technician makes the service entry, the radiologists opens the report order in his worklist. With only one click he can see images, previous reports and patient details at a glance. Thanks to the integrated SpeechRecognition, the reports develops before his eyes and can immediately be sent digitally to the referring physician.

Economically Efficient and Reliable

medavis products integrate in your existing IT infrastructure in a stable way. Investments in existing systems and devices are ensured thanks to the perfect interfaces. Stability and reliability, but also long-standing cooperative collaboration with our customers distinguish the powerful products.

With modular and scalable applications, medavis connects everyone involved in the treatment process and ensures a smooth information flow already today.

medavis RIS fulfills your special Requirements in the Clinical Radiology

 Connection to HIS Systems without additional Master Patient Index (MPI)

The RIS integration in the clinical environment is optimized towards performance and connectivity. You can connect medavis RIS without problems to HIS systems compliant with HL7. For this, the medavis solution is equipped with an integrated function for consolidating the patient data. Using an additional dedicated MPI is therefore unnecessary.

  Physician Roles – Report Comparison

Detailed workflows for forwarding reports form the clinical daily work in all its facets. Forwarding reports, hierarchical signatures, report revisions and comparing reports helps the physicians and assistants both diagnostically and while teaching.

 Order Entry

Receiving, processing and return transmission of HL7 orders from HIS is done in RIS without problems. Thanks to the integrated order management , services are entered and billed completely.

 Free Text Search for Report Content

The free text search makes it possible to research in all reports according to specific content, key words, patient details, examination details, referrers etc.. The search criteria can be combined flexibly, which is why it is especially suitable for clinical studies and other statistical analysis.

  Clinical Reporting Process with Demo Preparation

Especially cases that are discussed in the physician’s conference can be prepared systematically. For this, the function demo preparation is available, that can be used during evaluation and independent of it. medavis RIS fills the demo preparation lists automatically according to set rule engines. The documentation of the clinical demonstration is done in RIS.

 Teaching Archive

You can easily anonymize your reports so that only the medical part is visible. This allows you to use the data for teaching.

You want a high reputation among your referrers ...

... and

  Improve your service quality.

  Transmit your reports efficiently to your referrers.

You always want to be optimally informed - independent of location and "just in time" ...

... and

  Improve your quality and efficiency while reducing your costs at the same time.

  have an overview of the occupancy rate of your modalities, the number of open reports, etc. from anywhere.

What our Users say

“A RIS has to be user-friendly – and today we have such a software.”
“The work steps are designed intelligently in medavis RIS and this led to a work facilitation and accelerated processes.”

“The great thing is, that my employees enjoy it, as they can see, how ones own influence can improve and customise the system .”

“RIS is user-friendly to administer and really helpful everywhere. It is the management tool No.1 for a functional radiological clinic.”

“In RIS we can also enter OPS codes and send this data to HIS via interface and use them for billing. The transfer of these codes from RIS to HIS is a very revenue-relevant process. And also the aspect of material management – if something is stored in RIS, you only need to make some clicks to quantify the material expense in Euros.”

“As our IT is a certified level 6 EMRAM, it happens that international delegations visit to see especially the HIS-RIS-PACS interaction. We as radiologists are part of the successful certifcation process. I am very glad, that we can support this certificate with our RIS.“

Prof. Dr. Nolte-Ernsting

Chief physician, Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Protestant Hospital, Mühlheim an der Ruhr



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Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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