Overview- Hospital Radiology

Here is a selection of the hospitals which rely on the quality and reliability of our workflow solutions in their daily work:


  • Dr. Hancken Clinic, Stade(7 locations)
  • Asklepios Clinic Altona, Hamburg
  • Asklepios Clinic Barmbek, Hamburg
  • Asklepios Clinic Harburg, Hamburg
  • Radiology in the Israelite Hospital, Hamburg
  • MEOCLINIC Berlin
  • Karl-Olga Hospital (Sana), Stuttgart
  • Diakonie Clinic, Schwaebisch-Hall
  • 310KLINIK, Nuremberg
  • Protestant Hospital Duesseldorf
  • Clinics Essen-Mitte, Essen
  • Roentgeninstitut Mechernich at Mechernich District Hospital
  • Hospital Darmstadt GmbH
  • Eichhof Foundation Lauterbach
  • Marienhaus Eifel Clinic, Bitburg
  • Caritas Hospital, Lebach
  • Radiology at Klinikum Bernau
  • MediClin Mueritz Clinic, Waren
  • Clinic Nordfriesland, Husum (3 locations)
  • Evangelical Hospital Muehlheim a.d. Ruhr GmbH



  • The Wolfson Brain Image Center, University of Cambridge



  • University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb
  • Clinical Hospital Merkur, Zagreb
  • Special Hospital “Thallasotherapia”, Opatija
  • Special Hospital Medico, Rijeka


South Africa



  • Bahrain Defence Force Hospital, Manama

More User Stories in Clinical Radiology

Darmstadt Clinic

Darmstadt Clinic

Optimised Diagnostics with medavis RIS Success Story Alexander Steinmetz, Specialist in Radiology & Health Economics and Senior physician of angiography and radiological interventions, Darmstadt Clinic Progressive thinking, security and workflow issues prompted...

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Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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