Online Appointment Booking
with booking4med

automated, diburdening, close to the patient

More Efficiency In Appointment Scheduling

With medavis booking4med you offer your patients and referrers the possibility to book appointments online via your website at any time. Once integrated and set up on your website, the solution works autonomously.

booking4med is characterized by deep integration in your medavis RIS. Online bookings are automatically reserved in the medavis RIS scheduler. There will be no overlap with the appointments made via telephone. Both processes can be offered in parallel without double bookings.

booking4med takes over already configured master data and settings from your RIS and integrates seamlessly into the existing radiological processes. There is no need for hardware procurement or further IT adjustments for your radiology department. The hosting of booking4med is provided by medavis GmbH.


Expanded Range of Functions

Patients and referring physicians can upload documents when booking appointments online, e.g. referral slips,laboratory results or previous reports. All documents are automatically available in RIS once online booking is complete. This means that more precise data is available in the radiology department before the appointment for plausibility checks of the booked appointments and for preparing more complex examinations. Incorrect bookings can thus be corrected at an early stage, subsequent adjustments are no longer necessary, and forgotten paper documents on the day of the appointment no longer delay the process.

With the new comprehensive set of rules, the number of bookable examinations for patients per quarter can be configured. One setting in RIS is all that is needed and the rules are applied both for online appointment booking and telephone booking. If patients repeatedly book an examination online in a quarter, the data is first compared with the data in RIS. In case of multiple bookings, messages and alternative appointment suggestions appear for the next quarter. Similar messages also effectively support the registration staff on the telephone.

Online Appointment Booking Now Available for Referring Physicians

Referring physicians receive their own password-protected access to booking4med, with which they can conveniently make appointments for their patients and upload all corresponding documents in one step. Urgent appointments are also taken into account in the booking process.

You can determine availabilities for your referring physicians in your medavis RIS. These appointment slots are then displayed exclusively in booking4med for your registered referrers.


Online-Terminbuchung Zuweiser

Innovative Functions

Complete integration into your medavis RIS workflow

Online appointments automatically appear in your RIS scheduler

Master data are automatically transferred

Integration of all your locations

Easy integration into your website

Sophisticated booking process for patients and referring phycisians

Booking in four simple steps

Document upload during the booking process

Booking forms, questions and instructions in different languages

Set of rules with extensive configuration options

Exclusive reservation of timeslots for selected referrers

Number of bookable examinations for patients per quarter

Possible time slots for online cancellations

Exam-specific questions and instructions

Booking form design can be personalized

Editable insurance types, comprehensive examination designations, etc.

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Benefits for Radiologists

 Less time spent for phone appointments

 Deep RIS integration without interfaces to 3rd party systems

 Transmission of entered data to medavis RIS

 No data loss or errors due to manual transmission

 Fewer phone requests due to precise online queries

 Faster patient registration

 Better overview of booked appointments and capacity utilization

 Higher referral loyalty

Data protection compliant storage on German servers

Benefits for Patients and Referrers

 Online appointment booking around the clock, 7 days a week

 Independent of opening hours and telephone waiting loops

 Easy and fast handling

 No storage of patient data on the internet

 booking4med is available in 8 different languages

 Direct transfer of booked appointments to the personal calendar

 Appointment confirmations and appointment reminders via SMS/e-mail

 Referrers can offer patients a complete treatment package

High Protection of Your Patient Data

The protection of patient data is a primary component in the booking4med development process. Using OWASP methods, medavis has succeeded in achieving a high level of security in its web applications. This was verified and certified by an external and accredited service provider through penetration tests.

Server location is Germany

Certified security after extensive penetration tests by USD AG

Certified information security management system in compliance with ISO-27001

Minimalist handling of patient data. The data exists in booking4med only during the booking process. As soon as an appointment has been confirmed or the booking is cancelled, the data is deleted.

All communication is encrypted via TLS.

All requests and transactions are retrieved by medavis RIS. From the point of view of radiology, no incoming connections from outside are necessary.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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