Mobile Image and Report Communication

Best Service for Your Referrers with portal4med Referrer Portal

…….Created for Referrers from the Initial Idea Onwards

Every radiological examination results in studies and reports. The portal4med Referrer Portal offers you a modern solution for transmitting these to referring colleagues quickly, securely and without media disruption.

With the portal4med Referrer Portal your referrers have easy online access to the reports and studies you created – doctors without PACS can view them in the integrated viewer, even on mobile devices. The display of previous studies and the download of the original DICOM data are also possible in the portal.

You can provide temporary access to relevant reports and images for colleagues. In this way, you optimally protect your patients‘ data. The portal can be opened from every device with internet access and a common web browser in the current version.

Multi-site Operations:  Allow your referring physicians to directly access the corresponding examinations from all your sites with only one portal4med online access. You can connect multiple RIS databases and PACS systems – ideal for facilities with multiple sites and radiology networks:

Key Figures at a Glance: In the portal4med Referrer Portal, you automatically have access to graphical usage statistics in our real-time dashboard cockpit4med, allowing you to keep an eye on all important key figures of your Referrer Portal.

What Our Users Say


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Optimal Report Communication with Referring Physicians and Patients

Optimal Report Communication with Referring Physicians and Patients Case Study portal4med, Radiology Mühleninsel, Landshut, GermanyFor many years, the Mühleninsel joint imaging center in Germany has relied on well thought-out, holistic solutions from radiology...

radprax, Wuppertal, Germany: What the medavis Referrer Portal Has to Do With Medical Tourism

Or: What does the medavis Referrer Portal has to do with Medical Tourism?

Imaging Center, Dresden, Germany: Increases Efficiency and Profitability with Referrer Portal

Or: What does the medavis referrer portal have to do with the German Business Award?

Benefits for Your Referrers

Quick online access to all reports and images

Integrated image viewer

User-friendly search platform

Automatic e-mail notification when new reports are available

Highlighted display of critical reports

Complete process digitalization

Shortened treatment cycles and satisfied patients

Easy Information Exchange with Referring Physians

Referring physicians can easily access their patients‘ reports and images with their default browser and personal access data.

The referring colleague can drag complete series in the viewer in seconds. Images of all methods, MRI, CT, ultrasound, etc. can be displayed.

portal4med Referrer Portal is a web-based application that does not require installation, additional software or plugins and is free of charge for referrers. The integrated report and image viewer enables printing and downloading of patient details.

An additional plus: When logged into the portal, referring physicians can directly book radiology appointments for their patients without having to change applications.

portal4med Referrer Portal for Radiologists


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portal4med Referrer Portal for Referrers


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The Technology Is Running Smoothly as Well

The Referrer Portal works with all usual medical communication standards: HL7, DICOM, XML, IHE. Therefore you can integrate the portal in heterogeneous system environments without any problems.

The platform relies on state-of-the-art web technology and thus ensures independence of infrastructure and systems.

No matter how your IT infrastructure develops, the portal4med Referrer Portal adjusts flexibly to the new requirements and earlier investments remain safe.

portal4med Stands for Highest Security Standards

Certified security after extensive penetration tests by USD AG

Certified information security management system according to ISO-27001

Transparent and secure handling of sensitive medical data thanks to encrypted data transmission

The transmission of images and reports is compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR)

] Thanks to detailed access permissions and encrypted data transmission, you and your referring doctors work transparently and securely with sensitive medical data at all times

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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