Efficient Scheduling

The medavis CALL CENTER offers you a quick and direct overview of your capacities in the scheduler and makes an important contribution for more service and efficiency in your radiological institution. As appointments can be entered without access to secured data in the medavis RIS, the medavis CALL CENTER is highly suited for radiological institutions wanting to separate the appointment scheduling from the radiological practice.

Individual Scheduler Display

You can store resources (e.g. rooms, persons) you often use on function keys according to your individual needs and therefore simplify and accelerate your daily work. The respective scheduler view opens instantly with the desired information if needed.

Optimal modality occupancy rate and faster service for patients due to planning across sites

Especially for radiologists with several sites, appointment planning across sites is beneficial. Appointments and resources of all sites can be displayed and managed in one view. You can see the appointments of all CT rooms at a glance, for example. Thus, you achieve a better occupancy rate of your modalities and facilitate a quicker patient care. If a certain physician is required for an examination, you have access to the scheduler of the respective physician in addition to the modality schedule. In this way, you succeed in scheduling your appointments effectively, because suitable appointments can be found quickly and comfortably together with the required resources.

Quick Scheduling

  • Customised allocation of function keys with often used resources (rooms, persons)
  • Direct access to the respective scheduler view
  • Search for entered appointments and open appointment slots
  • Appointment allocation with and without patient data in medavis RIS
  • Consideration of examination duration and preparation time
  • CALL IDENTIFICATION (optional): automatic display of caller information if the caller is stored in the database
  • LOGGING (optional): retrace who changed or
    deleted appointments


Flexible Display

  • Direct selection of the desired calendar day
  • Scalable time grid between 5 and 60 minutes
  • Week or day view of a room or several rooms/resources
  • Colour-coded display of examinations for easier orientation
  • Display of info fields for regular appointments, e.g. consulting hours, maintenance times
  • Display of the examination status and the insurance type
  • Anchor appointments and optical warnings
  • Possibility to print appointment lists
  • Integrated mail program

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

* Mandatory field: Please fill in all fields marked with *.

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