Optimal Resource Planning

The medavis REPORT MANAGEMENT CONSOLE offers a central overview of all worklists relevant for evaluation in medavis RIS. You can see at a glance how many examinations on each worklist have to be evaluated.

You can move the examinations via drag and drop between the worklists to distribute them evenly on all employees. In addition, qualitative characteristics such as duration of the evaluation can be sorted to find the most critical entries. A three-stage colour-coded display can register these congestions in all lists and function areas directly. Congestions can be avoided by redistribution,
enabling a quicker report dispatch.

With the aid of the medavis REPORT MANAGEMENT CONSOLE you can easily plan and manage your resources for evaluation. You always have an overview of the processing status and can react flexibly. With a better distribution of orders on all worklists, you shorten the duration of evaluation in total and deliver examination results faster to your referrers and patients. If a radiologist is absent or ill, you can easily move his evaluation orders to another worklist to ensure quick processing.

From Dictation to Typing Service

With the medavis REPORT MANAGEMENT CONSOLE you manage the physician’s worklists and the typing service in one user interface. This enables you to optimally use your human resources in all phases of report creation.

Controlling Across Sites

Efficient management and controlling of reporting across sites is easy to achieve. This console shows you which employees can write reports and you can always see the current status or which report is currently being written.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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