Quicker from Dictation to Report

medavis DIGITAL DICTATION makes it possible to record the report dictation electronically and makes these recordings instantly available to the typist. This shortens the time between dictation and report. As this software is a self-development of medavis, dictation and playback are completely integrated into the medavis RIS workflow. You don’t dictate in a separate window, but directly in the report editor – with complete access to all information. All required functions are optimised for singular mouse-clicks, enabling you to work quickly and comfortably.

Up to 80% Increase in Efficiency

Compared with conventional dictation, an efficiency increase of up to 80% is possible. The transport to the typist is avoided completely. The dictations are automatically available on the worklist and reports cannot be forgotten or left unattended.

Quality Increase in the Report Process

By creating dictation pools and the automatic dictation distribution, the transcription service is being disburdened. Urgent dictations can be prioritised on the typist’s worklist. The allocation of report dictations to the patient concerned is clear at all times, confusions are ruled out. A typical medavis RIS report template includes several dictation marks that are individually positioned on the report document. This ensures the transcription service can reproduce the dictation exactly.

Using the SpeechMike® Functions

medavis Digital Dictation supports the Philips SpeechMike® Pro, Air and Premium functions such as configurable key assignments, winding, start, stop, pause and insert completely. It also supports the integration of a trackball enabling you to use the Philips SpeechMike® as mouse for navigating on the desktop.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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