Retracing Changes Quickly

The medavis LOGGING enables you to retrace all changes of your appointments or patient data quickly and comfortably. medavis RIS chronologically logs when and by whom appointments or patient data were created, changed or deleted. This protocol enables you to search specifically for appointments where the date or the room allocation changed. If a patient has a question about a scheduled appointment, you can find all log entries without problems. If a patient name or address changed or duplicate entries were merged into one, you can always retrace any changes at a glance. Should you be unable to find a patient, just have a look at the list of deleted patients.

Searches Made Easy

Thanks to many research and filter possibilities, you can easily answer questions on appointment changes or patient data in the future. All assignments and objects of an appointment (user, patient, room, modality) are included in the log and can be used as filter parameters. You can restrict the period of log entries or appointments or only show the log entries of specific users. A free text search in the fields “Short text” and “Memo” is also available. Log entries, search mask and filter are integrated in a single user interface. Results are therefore available quickly and comprehensively. The research time decreases significantly.

Quickly View the Change History

In addition to the extensive research in log entries, medavis RIS offers the possibility to directly view the change history of a selected appointment in the scheduler. You can access a clear chronological change history via the context menu. You can also filter it according to determined criteria.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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