Sending Reports Automatically

With medavis MAIL SERVER you can send reports cost-effectively via e-mail to your referrers. As soon as a report is released, an e-mail is automatically generated and sent to the referrer or made available for download with an e-mail client.

The Latest Security Standards

The medavis MAIL SERVER offers a secure 128 bit encryption to protect sensitive patient data from unauthorized access. An especially secured network is not required. Digital signatures protect the report from unauthorized manipulations and ensures the data integrity. The additional use of certificates makes sure the message was sent by you and can only be received by the authorized recipient. The report transmission is being logged and the message status is therefore always retraceable.

Professional Report Messages

The e-mail layout is similar to the document layout in the medavis RIS word processing editor. The referrer can quickly transfer the message into his patient file. If access to a connected PACS is available, a link to the image data can also be included in the message.

Transmission Standards

medavis relies on recognized and widespread standards such as POP3 and SMTP.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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