Intelligent Report Search

medavis MEDICAL RESEARCH is a tool to find reports in medavis RIS effectively and quickly. The research function is completely integrated into medavis RIS. This allows you to search for specific reports, examinations and patients in your entire database with the smallest time expediture.

Only Seconds Until You Receive a Result

The medavis report search uses the latest technology of search algorithms. A qualified search in for example 100,000 reports shows the results after only a few seconds. Flexible search parameters make it easier to find the relevant reports. There are different parameters available such as period, gender, age, referrer, region, method, examination, diagnosis code, keyword, report text.

Optimised Diagnostics

This comfortable and quick research function for medavis RIS offers you many advantages in your daily work. During diagnostics you can use the research function specifically to search for comparative findings for your current report.

Prepare Trainings Efficiently

You can filter interesting cases from your complete database for trainings, continuing education, lectures or to discuss your case collection with colleagues. You can also prepare PACS demonstrations easily by saving your search results directly to the demo folder. You can directly open the images of each report to present them to other medical fields (surgery, orthopedics etc.).

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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