New milestones in medavis online appointment booking solution booking4med

medavis, one of the leading RIS manufacturers in Germany, integrates its online appointment booking solution booking4med even deeper into medavis RIS with the latest update. This integration and synchronization provide a noticeable improvement of work processes in radiology.


With booking4med, the appointment booking solution from medavis, radiologists offer their patients and referring physicians the possibility to make appointments online around the clock. Hosted in Germany, the solution complements appointment booking by telephone. Patient data is handled according to the highest security standards. Patient data is not stored on the internet or in third-party systems.

From the very beginning of booking4med, medavis focused on deep integration into medavis RIS. Thus, online appointment booking seamlessly integrates into the existing radiological workflow. Master data and settings from RIS are adopted, online bookings are automatically reserved in the RIS appointment calendar, and there are no overlaps with telephone appointments. This results in a noticeable reduction in registration staff’s workload.

With the latest update, medavis has reached another milestone in RIS integration and has again significantly expanded the range of functions.

Among the highlights is the new comprehensive set of rules, with which the number of bookable examinations for patients per quarter can now be configured. One setting in RIS is all that is needed and the rules are applied both for online appointment booking and telephone booking. If patients repeatedly book an examination online in a quarter, the data is first compared with the data in RIS. In case of multiple bookings, messages and alternative appointment suggestions appear for the next quarter. Similar messages also effectively support the registration staff on the telephone.

In addition, patients and referring physicians can upload documents when booking appointments online. The referral slip is the first item to be uploaded, but any other documents, such as laboratory results or previous reports, are also possible. If a referral slip contains a barcode, the data is automatically transferred to the booking system. All documents are automatically available in RIS once online booking is complete. This means that more precise data is available in the radiology department before the appointment for plausibility checks of the booked appointments and for preparing more complex examinations. Incorrect bookings can thus be corrected at an early stage, subsequent adjustments are no longer necessary, and forgotten paper documents on the day of the appointment no longer delay the process.

“Our goal was and is to seamlessly integrate online appointment booking into the radiology workflow. The deep integration and synchronization with medavis RIS noticeably improve work processes,” says Samer Abdalla, Product Manager at medavis GmbH. “The latest update combines integration and efficiency. Employees benefit from all the advantages of online appointment booking, while work in the familiar system remains unchanged.”

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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