Central RIS Storage for Third-Party Data

With medavis MULTIMEDIA you can save image, audio and text files in the patient record of medavis RIS. Prior reports from third-party systems, scanned documents such as patient questionnaires or referral letters are available to you with this tool. You can assign the files to patients, cases or examinations. Your data remains consistent and you can easily find all information at any time.

The multimedia button is displayed on various sites in the medavis RIS and shows you if files are available for the selected patient. You can then open the multimedia window with one mouse-click.

Quick and Context-Related Display

The superimposed files are selected by RIS depending on the context. If you are working in the case list for example, you can see the matching case details automatically. You won’t loose time looking for relevant documents. At the same time the clear tree view enables you to view the complete patient data and switch between patient, case and examination level at all times.

The multimedia viewer shows a preview of the selected file in the same window. All files saved in the multimedia record can also be displayed in the DIAGNOSTIC PATIENT CENTER. During evaluation you can see all relevant information next to the current report without opening another window.

Quick and Easy Archiving

The data can be imported directly from the scanner or uploaded via the program user interface and can then be assigned. Image manipulations such as zooming, rotating or mirroring can be done with the viewer in order to archive the data quickly in the correct form.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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