New Milestones in the medavis Referrer Portal

Press Release

With the latest update, referrers have a consolidated view from multiple RIS installations. Enhanced performance and the new sharing function significantly increase efficiency and offers a new service for patients and referrers.

With the medavis Referrer Portal, referrers access reports and studies simply online without a separate installation. In the integrated viewer they can both view current and previous images. In addition, the download of the original DICOM data is possible. The latest update features new functions, convincing performance and high security standards.

“With the mobile image viewer, referring doctors can comfortably access images and reports of their patients at all times with their smartphone or tablet at any time and from anywhere, view them in the integrated viewer and display the studies using touch and gesture control,” says Samer Abdalla, product manager at medavis.

Also, the announced sharing function for non-registered users has been successfully implemented and now offers the possibility to quickly exchange information with the treating physician. “This new function makes it possible to easily get a second opinion, allows the images and report access for the patient with highest security standards, e.g. by using two-factor authentication. This method increases the service for patients significantly,” explains Abdalla. As additional protection of the patient data to comply with EU GDPR requirements, patient records with all attached data can be manually and permanently deleted from the Referrer Portal.

Another highlight is the possibility to connect several radiological imaging centers with their own radiology information system to one portal. This enables the referrers to have a consolidated view of all examinations from the respective sites. “The new update has made great progress on performance. The medavis Referrer Portal is now equipped for a significantly higher number of examinations than before and offers fast and stable access to images and reports,” says Samer Abdalla. Thereby, the portal follows in the footsteps of the very robust medavis RIS with the reliability, speed and stability customary to and highly appreciated by the user.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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