Continuously Efficient Workflow from a Single Source

For many years, the Mühleninsel joint imaging center in Germany has relied on well thought-out, holistic solutions from radiology workflow specialist medavis, which are seamlessly connected

Radiology Mühleninsel Entrance
With the introduction of the radiological information system (RIS) in 2002, a partnership characterised by continuity and trust began between the Mühleninsel joint imaging center and medavis. When a new PACS was needed a few years later, the radiology department decided to purchase the JiveX PACS from Visus via medavis as well. “The integration is simply the best and in this way, we have one contact person for all questions,” explains Manuel Hanke, IT manager at Mühleninsel. A referrer and patient portal as well as an appointment booking portal – all from medavis – complement the classic RIS/PACS solution.

Deep Integration is the be-all and end-all

“With its systems, medavis offers well thought-out, holistic solutions that seamlessly interlock and map all our in-house processes. The overall concept has the clear advantage for us that there are practically no frictional losses due to the deep integration,” summarises Professor Dr. Andreas Lienemann, managing partner and specialist in radiology at Mühleninsel.

“With medavis RIS we have a mature software that runs stably and that we have been using successfully for many years. It is workflow-oriented and enables us to automate many processes completely or partially. This reduces recurring work steps and thus ideally supports us in our daily work. Thanks to the modular structure, we license and use exactly what we need in our imaging centers,” says the radiologist with satisfaction. RIS manages all administrative processes at Mühleninsel, from scheduling and document digitisation to reporting and invoicing. It covers all workflows in radiology, nuclear medicine and also large parts of radiotherapy.

Quick Communication with Referrers and More Service for Patients

With the Referrer Portal, the first medavis web application was put into operation in the Mühleninsel joint imaging center in 2017. The referring physicians have personal access data and can thus view the reports and image data of their patients in the integrated viewer immediately after release. This eliminates waiting times and many referrers order their patients back directly after the appointment in the radiology department. Today, about 60 referring doctors are connected with the imaging center. Most of them use the Referrer Portal very frequently and welcome the modern way of communication.

After the Referrer Portal, the Mühleninsel imaging center also introduced the Patient Portal from medavis in 2021. Already at registration, patients receive access data to be able to view their reports online – quickly, easily, and independent of time and location. For the imaging center, the annoying and in the long run cost-intensive burning of CDs is no longer necessary. Data security is guaranteed by means of 2-factor authentication.

Online Appointment Management

Most recently, the online appointment booking solution booking4med was added. Apart from appointment slots for emergencies, the entire RIS calendar is available and can be used by patients and referring physicians alike for online bookings. The reasons for using booking4med were, on the one hand, to relieve the telephone switchboard and, on the other hand, to offer patients and referring physicians a round-the-clock booking service.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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