Efficient Appointment Allocation

Once you have the telephone number of your patients and referrers stored in your database, you will always know who calls and can greet the caller with name. You save time because the caller information opens instantly and you have direct access to all relevant data and can start further actions immediately. The appointment list of the patient can be opened with a mouse-click in order to allocate appointments quickly without searching for the patient in the system laboriously. If you manage several sites or groups with separate telephone numbers, you can assign the individual numbers to the respective room groups. In this way, the correct room opens as soon as you open the scheduler during an incoming call.


Technical Requirements

  • Telephone system with active TAPI function (license)
  • Computers with installed TAPI drivers

More Service for Referrers

If one of your referrers calls, the corresponding detailed information opens. A button gives you direct access to the referrer’s case list to exchange data without time loss.

Calling Back Made Easy

All calls will be saved in the call list and you can quickly react to missed calls and call back with one click.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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