Direct Report Communication via Fax

medavis FAX is the integrated fax function in medavis RIS. After completing the report, you can fax the report directly from the RIS report editor with a mouse-click. The system identifies recipient’s fax number from context and superimposes it. Manual input is not required. Directly after sending, medavis RIS informs you on the transmission status.

To work even more efficiently, you can configure the system to send out faxes automatically when a report is released. When using a central fax service, you only need one central access to the telephone network via an analog modem.

Professional Fax Reports

With medavis FAX you can add letterheads, logos etc. in form of an overlay to your documents before sending. Thus, you can professionally adjust the appearance of the faxes to the layout of your printed report. Scanned signatures are added automatically.

The Transmission Status at a Glance

The fax transmission log can be displayed via a function key. In this way, you can always keep an eye on the status. Additionally, you can resend failed transmissions directly from the log or forward the faxes.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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