Laboratory Integration 2.0


Laboratory integration 2.0 displays results from a laboratory information system (LIS) in medavis RIS. The efficient cooperation between laboratory systems and medavis RIS saves time and resources and ensures an effective workflow.

The communication between RIS and LIS is carried out via HL7.

The transmitted laboratory results are seamlessly integrated into the medavis RIS workflow. A colored status indicator on your worklist allows you to see whether laboratory values for an examination are available (requested, partially transmitted, complete and validated). Therefore, all important data for a comprehensive evaluation and a better patient care are available.

The transferred values from the laboratory information system (LIS) are displayed one-to-one in the lab data sheet in RIS. These can be accessed directly in the Diagnostic Patient Center. Validated laboratory data is transferred to the RIS report automatically.

Do you have further questions or would like to get a demo?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to providing you with the necessary advice or to arrange a demo appointment with you, in order to present your optimal workflow.

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