Efficient Workflows and enthusiastic Referrers

Radiologicum Donauwoerth secures pole position with medavis RIS

Success Story

Marko Molnar, Senior MTRA and Head of IT
Radiologicum in Donauwörth Germany

Marko Molnar, leitender MTRA und Leiter der EDV, Radiologicum Donauwörth

Marko Molnar, Senior MTRA and Head of IT
Radiologicum Donauwörth

The Radiologicum is a radiological imaging center in the northern Swabian district Donau-Ries. The owners Dr. med. Harald Gunselmann, Dr. med. Dieter W.N. Müller, Thomas Adolph and Dr. med. Florian Pachmayr and their team with about 40 employees have established a leading position in diagnostic imaging in the region. In order to achieve this, they do not only count on new modalities and optimised digital internal processes, but since 2016, they also include the referrers in the digital communication. The basis of the internal work processes has been the medavis Radiology Information System (RIS) since 2014. In autumn 2016, this has been complemented with the portal4med by medavis, that connects resident doctors and hospital departments with the radiology.



Marko Molnar, Leading Technician and Head of IT (Photo above right side at RSNA in Chicago) summarises his satisfaction with the systems as follows: “medavis brings us more performance overall. Within a shorter time, we can examine more patients, billing is faster and of high quality and, thanks to satisfied partners, we have many patients. However, we have not only improved economically, but thanks to RIS, we have more time for the patients, as everything works more reliably.”

Referrer Portal improves Bonds and increases Professionality

The doctors of the Radiologicum constantly invest in the future of high-quality technical diagnosis possibilities for patient care. Due to the cooperation with the hospitals of the Donau-Ries county, they create synergy effects, such as the quickest possible way to exchange information for all participants. In order to further improve this effect – also with the resident doctors, portal4med has been put into operation in autumn 2016. With this internet portal, registered referrers have encrypted online access to reports and images of their patients. “The competition never sleeps and those who want to offer top service to their patients, should establish close links with their referring colleagues,” Marko Molnar explains. “This is why we want to offer the main referrers something, that they have not seen before – the possibility to view images and reports instantly online as soon as the examination has been completed and the doctor has released the report respectively.” With portal4med, the report transmission time decreases and the communication quality with the referrers improves. “On the one hand, we are not dependent on the fax machine of the recipient to work, where in the past there have been many failures and on the other hand, the referring doctor saves time with long loading times when the patient comes into the practice with a CD. He can view the images thanks to the integrated viewer in a very high quality before the patient arrives in the practice. This leaves a good impression on the patients and they have more faith in the doctors,” reports Mr. Molnar on the advantages of the digital referrer connection.

“Everything works automatically.“

Even though the work process for the doctors and technicians of the joint imaging center has not changed, as soon as the examination has been completed, the images are available in PACS for the findings provider and also in portal4med for the referrer. The referrer can already view the images before the report is ready. As soon as the report has been released by the doctor, it is automatically available in the portal. The referrer can use the e-mail notification to find out that there is new information available for him. “At first we connected our 20 main referrers. In order to convince them of the new portal, we invited them to a presentation of the new software,” Mr. Molnar explains. The first reactions were very positive: “The doctors were excited about the free access to a report and image portal. Everyone was in favour for directly installing and configuring it. They recognised the potential instantly and are glad because the patients are also impressed, which means the more profitable private patients will surely come back to the practice. Additionally, the usage is very easy for them, as they can open the portal via internet. It is also helpful that the doctors can see examinations carried out by us earlier on and that they can be viewed as well and don’t have to be looked up in their own files, that are not always available digitally – at least not with all images and radiological reports.”

Speed, Quality and Savings

The IT expert can also think of other aspects that are an advantage for all: In addition to a faster working environment, the quality increases as more information is available and the referrers often can view the images in a better quality than with their own programs. As this all works so easily, the employees of the Radiologicum did not need to adjust and the referrers could also use the portal instantly. Also, the imaging center saves 5 Euros per patient and CD and less paper is being used. Furthermore, the access to patient details is securely restricted via user name and password; everything is logged and can be retraced. “The referrers enjoy sending their patients to us, as the collaboration is a luxury for him,” explains Mr. Molnar convinced. “The investment paid off completely. It was also easy to confi gure everything, as medavis gave excellent support. As each practice works individually, I do not want to give a number, but will calculate this with an interested colleague upon request.” In this positive mood, the administrator awards 10 of 10 points for the satisfaction with the system and the supplier.

Professionality, Reliability and Stability

Marko Molnar especially values the professionality and the reliability of medavis regarding the collaboration during the past two years: “If I have questions or problems occur, medavis reacts instantly. The support functions fast and perfectly. I can also rely on the fact, that I will receive an off er shortly or that a service is provided quickly if I make a request, no matter what. What’s more is the friendly conversational tone among one another. This and the highly functional, modern and stable system make the collaboration a great joy for me and distinguish medavis from other suppliers.”

Radiologicum Donauwörth
Neudegger Allee 6 | 86609 Donauwörth | Germany | E-Mail:



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